a seeker’s journey
“It is better to do your own duty badly, than to perfectly do another’s; you are safe from harm when you do what you should be doing.” – The Bhagavad Gita chapter 3, verse 35 As I celebrate another year around the sun, it invites me to take pause and reflect not only on the…
Read Morethe Kleshas & the nature of human suffering
“Seek truth, not peace.” –Yoganand Michael Carroll This simple one-liner from one of my yoga teachers has always struck a chord with me but for the past few weeks, it has become a mantra. The simple yet profound statement has also become an invitation to step into the state of inquiry to explore what it…
Read Moreunlocking the Koshas & the layers of Being
Go in and in. Be the space between two cells, the vast resounding silence in which spirit dwells. …Dive in and in, as deep as you can dive. be infinite, ecstatic truth. …Be exactly what you seek, the Beloved, singing Yes, tasting Yes, embracing Yes, until there is only essence; the All of Everything expressing…
Read Morefear, doubt, & failure
“Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better.“ – Samuel Beckett When I received the reminder email that this blog post was due, my initial thought was to write about fear and doubt and how one might begin to skillfully work with these emotions both on and off the mat. These…
Read Morethe four branches of Yoga and the emergence of Hatha Yoga
“The purpose of Yoga is the attainment of happiness, peace, and bliss. The meaning of Yoga is the union of individual consciousness with Shiva consciousness, with God. Yoga is the meeting of the drop and the ocean. The ultimate result of all Yoga is purity of mind and body.” – Swami Kripalu Yoga, from the…
Read Morerecognizing & reconciling samskaras
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not out darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous”? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.…
Read Morea contemplation on contentment
“Wherever you are, there you are.” One of my teachers would often drop this one-liner in both her asana and meditation classes. It was a call to practice presence. It was a call to practice mindful awareness. It was a call to practice santosha. Santosha, A Brief History Santosha, or contentment, is the second of…
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Posting here Yoga in Des Moines
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